Friday, 20 June 2014

The Rockabilly Rave 2014

So, once again it was time for The Rockabilly Rave. My favourite weekender.
I had of course been over excited about it like a small child for some time now. I was excited about seeing all my Rockabilly pals who I rarely see, and meeting my new Facebook pal Nina, or Vlad as I affectionately call her.

I travelled from the pile to Pompey, to Brighton where I saw an 'billy looking gal, so went and said hey to her as I figured she was going to the rave, I actually asked if she spoke English because of the way she looked at me. Ugh. Thanks itch with a B.

So, more trains to Rye, food shopping and a bus to Camber Sands. Ah Rockabillyland...
I checked in only to find that Vlad and I were literally in the last chalet known to mankind. You could see sheep out of the window...but, on the bright side (always try and see the silver lining) it was nice and quiet.
This is me awaiting Vlads arrival with my inflatable pink panda. Obviously.

So, Vlad eventually got there after I had a brief Visit from Janice. And I met Vlad :D and the lovely fan giving lady Angel (American awesomeness in a gal) who helped us blow up the flamingos, Vlad gave some lame excuse about having Asthma ;) he he

So, yes. Thursday night.... It was the first Thursday night I'd done. It was actually busier than I thought. I can't say I remember it all, (well, you'll notice a general theme of drunkenness and not really remembering much.... )
Vlad- Hangin' out with a random, uh, dinosaur?

I was also pretty fucking stoked at the prospect of seeing Cassie! I eventually found her...
Needless to say I fucking love this gal. I even spoke to her husband Joe some more, and he seems like a stellar guy. You can see how much in love they are, and its pretty sickening ;)

I know there were bands, I couldn't tell you who I watched. Think they were good though. Ha ha.
I should also add I had a screaming match with the oven at 2am when I wanted crumpets and the thing wouldn't work. Raw crumpets and jam. Yum.

Friday that felt like Saturday came, and I went shopping with Vlad. I found a pair of vintage Highwaisted Jeans, which I am still pretty in awe of! I was pretty excited that they fit. Amazing! I even bumped into my instagram friend Sarah who almost robbed me of them.
So, yes, Friday evening. Fuck was I drunk. I got a bit sad and emotional. (i'm blaming the full moon) had a strop, went home, then Cassie phoned me and made me come out again. It was a lot of fun (I think). I know I drank a lot, and Jived and strolled and was drunk.... 
Doing the 'Janice' pose

first Rave chalet mate- Tracy

Vlad has her random blue thingy.

LOVE! ha ha 

From the looks of it, I had a good time... my legs certainly felt it the next day, which was in fact SATURDAY...
Umm, hazy memories. Wandering, eating and the obligatory making of moose milk. I also watched the Vintage Fashion review, which I have to say, congrats to Bettina Scarlett for putting on, but I found the compares flat, and they put way too much focus on Bernie Dexter. The other gals, especially Little Gem, were doing a swell job, and I thought they should have got more recognition.

Thanks to the lovely Adrian for being the moose milk mixer. 
I also got to properly meet and hang out with my Instagram pal Sarah & her husband Amir. We had a lot of fun, and 2am Hotdogs...

Yes, toilets photos. 

I think we saw Dave & Deke, and we liked them. Not just because Deke had gaffer tape on his nipples either....there were a lot of Australian bands too. I think they were good. I tried to teach Sarah to stroll & she did really well with my lame instructions!!

Sunday? Sunday, yes. I went for another wander and watched Mississippi Queen who were kinda fun. I bought some lucite/resin earrings as I was curious how I could make them ;) I spent the afternoon just chilling out by myself. Much needed after a longgggg weekend. 
Sunday evening I was ready by 7pm as I really wanted to watch Little Mo and The Unholy 4. I love his voice, and am a huge fan of the Doo Wop stuff, so he was pretty much the band I wanted to see all weekend. And he was rad!
I told him that I wanted him to come home with me and sing to me every night, he said it was the best proposal that he'd had all week!
I got to hang out with Sarah and Amir again. Love that gal!
Also caught up with this beautiful lady:
Who said I had won the boob wars. I was grumpy so I headed to bed around 1am.
And that was it. The rave was done. I was home by like 3 on Monday which was good, considering I'd decided to go to West Yorkshire on Tuesday to buy this:

This is my beautiful new car. Well, new to me. I think she's called Lucille, after another fiesty redhead...

I just want to thank Nina/Vlad for putting up with my epic mood swings (Damn you moon) and for making my face hurt from laughing. Plus supplying the mingos...
Also to Cassie for making me have fun whilst I was sad. I love you dearly.
And to Sarah for being such a lovely, beautiful gal! 
And to everyone else I met and hung out with and forgot because I was drunk. oops! ha ha
Here's to next year!

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Birthday, Wedding & Strolling.

So, as you all know I posted that it was my 34th Birthday soon. That was last Wednesday.
A kind of none event, but  fun none the less. Mom had done me a few gifts & cards in the morning so I didn't have a grump on, it was my day to be a princess after all ;)

At work Mary had bought me some cupcakes & a card, and of course I got lots of lovely Facebook messages which made me feel pretty loved. 
In the afternoon the lovely Catering Manager: Gav had arranged for the gals to bring me up some cake, balloons & a card which they had all signed, which really touched me. They wished me Happy Birthday over the tannoy too :*

I got home and had more gifts from Mom.

Yes, more Elvis for my ever growing collection! 
We went to dinner at Salavtores, which kinda reminds me of the wine bar in Brushstrokes... It was nice enough, but I have to say I was pretty much all caked out by the end of my birthday.

Thursday involved going to the cinema with my friend. We saw The Grand Budapest Hotel, which I actually really liked. 

Friday, the day I'd been waiting for, for a while. up at 4.40am and on the 6am ferry to go and see my bestest Rockabilly gal pal, Cassie getting married!
Thankfully my car made it to Burgess hill and I got to see Cassie getting ready. Damn that gal is too pretty for words, and she looked so amazing in her dress.
Champagne selfie

Cassie & the lovely Marilyn who I had the pleasure of meeting & spending the day with!

Cass had done a great job on her shoes!

First Dance. Aww. These guys are actually in love. Its pretty sickening ;)

I love  this gal dearly!

Hot rod- I was the support car!

The Happy couple.
Congratulations Cassie & Joe. May you always love each other.

So, yeah, that was the wedding. I stayed in a lovely pink guest house on Worthing seafront. Then I drove back to Pompey & killed a few hours in Gunwharf. I treated myself to tapas for lunch. Found an Asda and finally got the pinup gals bedset I'd wanted for ages.

Saturday evening was this:
 The Isle of Wight's Rock'n'Roll Special. 
And Special it was.... Well, I got to see Dawn, Max, Gill, Andy. Jane & Clare so it wasn't a waste. I got a Jive with Andy, even though my top decided it wasn't for Jiving. I had some strolls too.. and it was fun. Dawn had even made me a lovely Dalmatian picture, which I was stoked at, as my friends rarely make me things.

So, its been all kindsa busy lately, and shows no sign of letting up. 
This weekend is my besties birthday: Helly will be 34 too! 
Then next weekend is the Rockabilly Rave!! EEP! I finally get to meet my partner in Bramance: Nina. I cannot wait. 
Until then kids, keep smiling. Every day is a good day if you let it be :D