Friday, 17 October 2014


I realised that I hadn't posted in like a month. Which for me and the amount of words which fall out of my mouth on a daily basis is pretty impressive.

I guess Autumn hit and I went into hibernation mode. Although I have still been going out, just not on the pile.

I joined a neat site called Which is pretty rad. Not a whole bunch of people know about it, but its kinda like a site to make friends with people. Dating for friends is how its been described. Anyways, I joined a meet up  in Southsea called Geek Girls Unite. So far we've met for coffee twice and drinks once. Its been a lot of fun, mainly for the fact we all geek out and get over excited about the things we love. For me that's my love of Nathan Fillion & Pandas, so imagine my joy when I met a lovely Scottish lady who not only loves Mr. Fillion, but in fact drives a fiat Panda full of, wait for it....PANDAS!!!!!!!!!! Incredible.

There's also a lovely gal called Amy who reminds me of Linda Cardellini in Freaks and Geeks
Weird right! But she's a lot of fun and is dairy free like me.
I also met a gal from the pile called Danni, she's neat. We have a mutual friend too, as well, that's the Island for you!
I think some of the gals may be coming over to the Island for this at the end of the month:

I'm pretty excited about this too. Halloween and Rock'n'Roll? It must be the work of the devil, surely? ;) or just Dr.Jive...

Besides that I've been to a few fluffy Rock'n'Roll events on the Isle which has involved quite a lot of drunkenness on my behalf. Turns out I'm pretty good at being drunk, who knew? 

I've watched some movies that were so bad they are almost good:

There are some very imaginative Nazi monsters in it, so totally worth a look for them alone.
I've also been catching up on the new Fall TV, which has included Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Supernatural, Castle and a new edition to my playlist thanks to Mr. Short

I know a few people have dissed it, but I have to say I kinda love it, but then I've always had a soft spot for Tom Everett Scott. There are some awesome zombie death scenes and a zombie tornado. AMAZING. For a syfy show it's pretty good, yet there isn't even a hint of it on UK TV yet. I started on The Strain and Gotham too. 
If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears.

So, that's kinda what I've been up to. I won't leave it so long next time.