No, seriously, what have I been doing? Anyone know? Ha ha.
November seems like forever ago now, I know that I did go on a mini adventure to The Rivoli ballroom to see Ray Collins Hot club. That I do remember as Dani & I had such a laugh together and really bonded. Well, you kinda have to when you share a double bed with someone. Mom and Dad came too, and by Mom and Dad, I mean Claire and Andy, our surrogate parents.
I also got to see one of my raddest pen pals, the lovely Rosie again & her boy Davey. Aww.
The Rivoli gets so jammed full of people that it gets kinda hard to move, but it was a good show and the scenery always gives me goose bumps, plus it was in the last Avengers movie when Steve has a flashback, so you could say that I have technically been in the same room as Captain America....
We had a little mooch around Greenwich market too which was rather lovely. I lost my mind and spent £15 on a hairband, but also got some rather lovely flamingo earrings too. Kudos go out to Claire for driving us too and from London very safely and patiently, even when we were going slight right. Also, a shout out goes to Dani to making it safely through the whoretex..
December is a bit of a blur as well. But, of course there were some mini adventures. Dani & I had a train picnic with Rum on the way to the Hula Boogie Christmas special where we learnt a little bit of Hula dancing, and drank way too many cocktails.. Oops.

It's always good seeing how different the mainland events are to the Island. There isn't a huge amount of difference really, just they are bigger and seem more exciting.But then there is the sad reality of it not being that different. This was my present from Dani too, so I enjoyed the experience more than anything. We always have a stupid amount of fun together, and I have learnt that I can never just have one drink with Dani...
What other joys did December bring? There was a squaddie reunion near Christmas which was just weird. I was like everyone was pretty much the same, hadn't changed, and the only difference was they all seemed to have kids and felt the need to get their phones out and show me pictures of their kids. Now if you know me, at all, you will know I generally make one face when people show me their kid photos, and it is not the face of joy!
Christmas was fairly uneventful and we all survived, so that was good. I was spoilt as usual. I drank some rum and then went and saw the new Star Wars on Boxing day. I have to say I was surprised at how much I liked it and laughed, although I was mostly routing for the droid.
I went out for boxing day fun in the evening as Dr. Jive and Woll were on the decks at the Wightrock bar.Lucy and Juliet came out, so it was nice to see them both :)
Then came Amy's Birthday. This involved coffee, walking, coffee and then dinner and cocktails at Las Iguanas with some of our fellow geeky gals.
Most expensive Kraken & diet coke ever!
Oh yes, New Years Eve. So I'm used to working NYE. I have for years, plus I got double time to be abusive. Win, win.
I was working with the lovely Sharron, who has me in stitches most of the time. It wasn't that horrendous, but I totally could of punched one woman in the face... I really enjoyed navigating through the piles of vomit on my way back from parking me car too.
Big new of 2016. I had a date. Yes, an actual date. Do you remember that post I did about Dating sites etc and how none of them were Axe murderers? Well, funny enough my new boyfriend is in fact a Bushcrafter and Survival Instructor, so he owns a bunch of axes. He's even bought me my own axe. Mwahahahahah!
So, when the Zombies come, I'm totally surviving ;)
Oh yeah, what else. I got drunk with Dani some more. There was Elvis Night at, I can't even remember the name of the pub, but it was fun, We even slow danced together.
I seem to be really good at meeting Dani for a drink, then ending up very drunk and wondering how we're getting kicked out of the pub at closing time.... Hmmm. I blame Dani for leading me astray.
There was another Andy Dj Night at Wightrock, and my Mom's birthday.
We went to ADA in Ryde.Dear lord the food was soo good that we were pretty much making Sex noises all the way through the meal.
The desserts were so damn good. If you haven't checked it out yet, you really must.
Jim came down last weekend and met my Mom (Yes, he even survived) as well as Dani and her date Neil. I thought the end of the world might occur, as Jim, Me and Neil all have the same birthday.
But, we're all still here, so its all good.
Well, I say still here. My lovely car Lucille has been through the wars. Last Monday on the way to work I hit a pheasant. It was unavoidable before y'all say anything. To be fair, if I hadn't killed it, I would of gone back and killed it considering the damage it did to my car. Was it made of Steel~????
So, that kinda sucked. Then when I came out of my house on Monday after Storm Imogen (that BITCH) something didn't look quite right with the back windscreen....
Smashed to buggery... So, after calling the Police (no help at all) and my Insurance company, the lovely Nigel at the Esplanade Garage opposite me said they would hover my car out and I could leave it there, until the windscreen guy came. Bless them. How lovely was that?
Mr. Pullman said he would get me from Newport, so I braved the bus. Man, I have become such a princess. I don't know how you do it, the bus is horrible. Gav took pity on me on the way home and drove me all the way. Don't worry, I paid him in Polos :D
So, this morning I pick up my car which they've not only hoovered, but washed as well (I LOVE those guys!!!). and drive to work. And well, turns out, my luck SUCKS. As I'm driving to work with Nat in the car. we hear a doink as a stone hits my front windscreen. Yep. You guessed it, its created a crack. Another replacement windscreen. I'm not even joking. At this stage Lucille is almost bionic.
So, Yeah, That's kinda what's been happening since last year.
One final thing. Dear Universe, please let that be all my bad luck with my car.
Thank you.
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